13 August 2011

all about exercise

so this post is about exercise. i don't like exercise. specifically, i don't like cardio. cardio just... is annoying. i really need classes or accountability partners to do even 30 minutes of cardio. i do, however, love strength training. probably because it's easy for me to gain muscle (not easy for me to lose fat).

so, to force myself to do cardio, i've combined it with strength training. luck for me, the get-fit guy (love this guy!), talked about this in his podcast Which Workout Burns the Most Fat?

which workout burns the most fat?

A 2008 study at the University of California asked this very question, and had one group do cardio, another group do resistance training, and a final group do a concurrent training workout in which they ran for 30-60 seconds after completing each weight lifting set.

Even though each group did the same amount of work, the combination group experienced the following:

  • a 35% greater improvement in lower body strength,

  • a 53% greater improvement in lower body endurance,

  • a 28% greater improvement in lower body flexibility,

  • a 144 % greater improvement in upper body flexibility,

  • an 82% greater improvement in muscle gains, and

  • a 991 % greater loss in fat mass!

That means the combination group not only burned fat and built muscle at the same time, but the amount of fat they burned was a ten-fold increase over the amount burned by the groups that did cardio or resistance training only.

So without a doubt, combining cardio and resistance training will burn the fastest.

these are my go-tos:
boy do i hate kettlebell. this little device brings me misery. i end sore all over. i'm forced to do the hip swing, one armed swings, some kind of snatching maneuver, lunges, figure 8s. it's just a nightmare. but the workout is so efficient and people should mix up their workouts to confuse the body, that i force myself to do it once a week.

cardio strength
a butt kicker! seriously! we use stuff like bosus, balls, gliders, weights, kettlebells, mats, and everything in between. it doesn't require quite the endurance that kettlebell does, but it targets different things. the instructors have different approaches too. one instructor may switch between typical strength training and cardio. another may target multiple muscles at the same time as increasing the resistance, thereby making the heart go into a cardio zone.

but my favourite exercise of all time: PILATES.
although pilates was invented by German-born Joseph Pilates, he started developing the program in the UK and eventually came to the US, where it spread like wildfire. originally it was used as rehabilitation for wounded veterans. now, it's used to increase fitness. there are a few principles of pilates, which can be found here, but these are my highlights:
1. pilates stretches as it strengthens. the body is (mostly) the only tool used. the body controls what happens to the movements. it lengthens everything as it allows strengthening through controlled movement.
2. pilates focuses, especially on breath. the breath is nearly as important as the movement itself. everything is done with focus and intent.
3. pilates allows me to see new things my body can do. it's amazing how changing from a flexed foot to a pointed foot makes such a difference in its effect. it's remarkable, really.

that's all for now. i have some exciting news to share soon, but don't want to jinx too much. also read this blog. it's important.


  1. Great Blog Dear, the kettlebell is truly great to use, and i will increase my weight on a new one soon. Been utiliizing a dumbbell at the Y doing combinations, which are a butt cutter. continued success, love you

  2. not sure what a butt cutter is, but i think i get what you mean! ;)

  3. The pain is your gain! It will get better and you will get leaner, stronger and have more energy! So will we! You keep it up and we will too! Love you! :)

  4. Yep yep! That's the goal! I'm working on following the 100 Days of Real Food blog (doing the 10 days of real food challenge), because i think food and perseverance will help. Good luck to all of us!
