27 August 2011

more food and fun!

Let's start this off by saying that today I re-watched Food Inc, a documentary about the industry of food in the US. Compelling stuff. I made my mom watch it too (her first time), and I think it opened her eyes to the mass production of many of the US's products. Hopefully she'll comment here with her opinion. I think this docu is good as a base, or Foodmatters, but it should be used in combination with other resources. (For instance, Food Inc advocates buying organic, but doesn't mention that you have to buy your way into certification by the USDA. Many local farm aren't "certified" but they still practice organic and sustainable farming.)

I also read Eat to Live, by Dr. Fuhrman. I first saw him talking on PBS, explaining his eating plan. Basically, eat at least 1 lb raw veggies, 1 lb cooked veggies, 4 pieces of fruit, handful of nuts/seeds, and beans and legumes. The first six weeks are aggressive, including no animal meat or dairy products. I'm hoping this will help me stop having headaches, depression, and a weight issue. I'll keep you updated.

ETA: After sleeping a night and having the craziest dreams, I have decided to combine this and McDougall's recommended plan. I find salads so...boring? I don't know what it is, but I always dread eating salads. McD takes the side that a starch should be the centerpiece of the meal, not the salad. Of course, you should include as many vegetables as you can with that starch. He also says not as many fruits. So basically, I'm going to try to combine the two. Have my whole grains. I love having my oatmeal with peanut butter and banana. And I can have a starch-based lunch with veggies and fruit. And then a large salad for dinner. It combines the two. Talk on the internet pins them against each other, but I think we can find a way to make them work the best for us. 

Now for some fun!! I've composed (and am still in the process) a list of actors/actresses whom I feel have not been recognized for their awesome acting skills. So, in no particular order:

1. Gina Torres
I know her from Alias, Firefly/Serenity, and Angel. Awesome acting. Awesome characterization. and completely badass. You gotta love her!

2. Harry Groener

Played the Villain Mayor on Buffy and hippie Clint on How I Met Your Mother! Crazy difference.

3. Lindsay Price
First played talkative Cathy on How I Met Your Mother, then sassy Navy Lt. Pam Kim on NCIS.

**still looking for videos**

4. Morena Baccarin
Had the crazy eyes on How I Met Your Mother, and then starred as sexy companion Inara on Firefly/Serenity. 
**still looking for videos**

5. Joe Manganiello
Brad from How I Met Your Mother, a cameo on Scrubs, and now werewolf Alcide on True Blood.


  1. From what I've learned not eating meat or dairy represents half the healing by itself. And although it won't be everyone's spiritual opinion, some will observe that eating meat is eating the fear, torture and death of another living being, thus taking that vibration into our being.

    Now that I'm 18 months into eating almost only raw fruits and veggies, it is my experience that fruit elevates the mind and the spirit, and veggies such as those in green juices and salads ground us. I'm not so much into beans or grains or cooked food, but I don't see why they should be eliminated if it is tortuous to learn how to properly eat just raw fruits and veggies.

    I lost about 25 pounds - without exercise - first on green juices and later adding in all the fruit and evening salads I wanted to eat. There's definitely no calorie restriction on a fruit and veggie diet. Have at it...lots of it...lol.

    But that's my experience. Enjoy your journey, whatever you do!

  2. Yeah, I'm thinking this is my time to do a trial run. A year ago, I wouldn't have been ready. But it's been a slow transition toward this so I'm taking the leap.

    I'm also really interested in the spiritual aspect of food, so I'm wondering how this will connect me with that. :)
