So let me just start this off with: boy, I can be so depressing sometimes! I want this blog to reflect me--all of me--and aide me in my journey. So let's recap what's been going on.
Mum said to me: you're so afraid that the move you make will be a mistake, that you're not even moving. and boy, did that stick. that stuck good. I repeat that in my head a few times a day, especially when I need to make a decision.
These decisions include
1. Job. I have been approached for interviews, information, or job offers four times in the past week. That's one of those "feast or famine" situations. I have been struggling so much to find a job, or decide where to live, or any of that, and I have finally started to see results. I have accepted one position as petsitter (to pay for bills while I research...more on that in a minute). I hope to gain a position as "Location manager" for a local csa (not paid in money, paid in food! yum!). And perhaps another position at another local business (more info may be coming soon).
2. Research. I need to continue my research. I've checked out books, borrowed from friends, compiled a list of people around here, compiled websites, and I'm ready. well...almost. I need to set up my "office" and get my rear in gear! I am so excited to continue this. My first topic is the locavore movement/presence in CLT.
3. Grad School. I'm applying. The application goes up in September; due date end of November. I'm gonna make it. I know what I want.
In other news, cleaning house. petsitting. visited chapel hill, that was great. visiting it in early September for a German symphony concert!! things are looking up.
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